Acer has launched its new dual-OS netbook, in India with young, fashion conscious people in mind. The Aspire One Happy runs on Windows 7, but allows one to boot with Google’s Android operating system, which offers a quick boot and faster access if one just wants to access emails, or browse the internet; view their photos, and play digital music. It is powered by an Intel Atom N455 processor with 1 GB RAM, and Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150. And comes with an internal hard disk of up to 320 GB and a of capacity and a built-in multi-in-one card reader.
The in-built Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 provides superb graphics all round. For Skype-type Internet voice and video callers, the machine comes with the Acer Crystal Eye webcam and microphone.
Ultra-thin at 24mm it weighs 1.25 kg with an 28 cm (10.1”) WSVGA display in 16:9 aspect ratio. It is compatible with all accessible wireless networks,or Fast Ethernet, with an options for Bluetooth 3.0+HS. In keeping with its targeted appeal for the young the Acer One Happy is available in four colours - Candy Pink, Lavender Purple, Lime Green and Hawaii Blue and the MRP is just under Rs 18,000 It is one of the first netbooks for a long time, with a hard drive larger than 160 GB (double, actually) and for a two-OS machine the pricing is certainly attractive.
March 3 2011