Indian tech leaders reflect on World Environment Day

04th June 2019
Indian tech leaders reflect on World Environment Day

On World Environment Day June 5, some Indian tech leaders  share their thoughts:

FLOCK and ZETA:One of my primary moral obligations has been to ensure that each business unit make an impact that is directly proportional to its potential. There are three main pillars that will solve every risk for humanity and which I believe everyone across the globe should have access to: Education, healthcare and sustainable living. The entire concept of sustainability rests on the resources our planet possesses, judicially using and sustaining them for our entire planet. That said, we need to ensure we take steps towards reducing the ill effects of global warming such as climate change and abnormal weather conditions.  Flock and Zeta were built with the same concept of reducing carbon footprint of organizations by ensuring more work gets done virtually through less amount of paperwork and reduction in employee commute and travel time. Flock has been known to increase productivity, collaboration, knowledge sharing, reduction of in-person meetings and mail exchange. Zeta platform offers solutions that make everyday corporate and employee-related processes completely digital. It enables organisations to completely remove paper and digitise their employee tax benefits,  rewards and recognition programmes and corporate cafeteria. We are looking at creating a virtual environment that supports sustainability to the core, thereby helping build a sustainable future.”, sayas Bhavin Turakhia, CEO and Founder, Flock and Zeta.
GOQii "Nearly 80 per cent of citizens living in cities today breathe polluted air (World Health Organization). Our annual GOQii India Fit Report too revealed that the air and water quality has consistently deteriorated and in 2018, 9 out of 10 people breathed polluted air. These statistics are alarming and are a strong indicator that lifestyle diseases will be on the rise.
 A lack of awareness on how our environment plays a crucial role in our health is a key reason contributing to unhealthy living conditions today. Thus, it's imperative for each of us to contribute to build a healthier environment and enable a shift from a curative to a preventive lifestyle", says Vishal Gondal, CEO and Founder GOQii|
SYSKA:“Today, rapid technological advancements and innovation have simplified our lives but is also impacting the availability of resources and having a negative impact on our planet. It is thus a responsibility of every organization and individual to focus on creating a sustainable future for future generations. One of the ways we can achieve this, is through the promotion and adoption of energy-efficient and environment-friendly lighting solutions. We at Syska have an extremely focused mission of creating and promoting a sustainable future, through the manufacturing of LED lighting solutions which consume up to 70 percent less power. The use of LED technologies has the potential of lowering the carbon footprint by half and significantly reducing electrical waste. Factors that cause overconsumption of resources should be nipped in the bud by harnessing new age technological solutions such as Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)”, says  Rajesh Uttamchandani, Director, Syska Group.
GOLDMEDAL ELECTRICALS: “Caring for the environment is the responsibility of every citizen. Whether it is homes, offices, institutes, shopping malls or factories, the use of sustainable and energy-efficient solutions is the single biggest factor that will decide the future of our environment. Today, with the rapid advancements of new technologies, there are several options for us to choose from and each one of us can do our bit towards protecting our planet. We can begin by adopting LED lighting instead of traditional CFL lightings which offer immense environmental benefits and help in reducing carbon emissions. We at Goldmedal are focused towards the promotion of energy-efficient solutions such as LED lighting and others in order to build a greener planet for future generations”, says Kishan Jain, Director, Goldmedal Electricals.
June 4 2019