New Delhi, November 1, 2012: Online shopping mall,, is the first to offer Microsoft’s first tablet offering – Surface – in India, ahead of its formal launch. Microsoft Surface Tab is available with Windows RT, with a 10.6 inches TFT capacitive touch screen, 32 GB internal memory and an expandable memory capacity upto 64 GB. It also features 1.2 MP primary camera and includes two inbuilt cameras, front facing and rear facing. It weighs around 680 gms. It also includes a USB port,a micro SDXC slot, and a magnetic strip to attach accessories.
It uses Microsoft's ClearType HD display technology and supports an ultra-wide viewing angle and auto-adjusting screen intensity for enhanced viewing experience
The device is available at at Rs. 38,840
The site also offers the new Apple IpadMini 32GB for Rs 34,990 and three Ipad3 models from Rs 36,299 ( 32GB +Wifi) to Rs 44,900 ( 32GB, WiFi + 4G)