Sun, AMD, offer free copy of 'Dummies' guide to Virtualization

24th May 2009
Sun, AMD, offer free copy of 'Dummies' guide to Virtualization

As Mark Twain quipped  about the weather, every one talks about it, but no one does anything about it.  You could say the same thing about Virtualization -- a much used buzzword in IT circles that few understand. 
If you would like to be part of this  minority, wised up to what virtualization is all about,  Sun  ( along with AMD)  offers a free edition of  "Virtualization for Dummies" part of the popular yellow-coloured dummies series. 
The book helps you discover how virtualization can benefit your organization, and how the latest instruction set of the x86 architecture is engineered to better integrate computing hardware with virtualization software and therefore make virtualization faster and more reliable.  It covers:

The Roots of Virtualization.

How to make better use of your systems with virtualization.

10 great reasons to invest in virtualization hardware.

The place to go to download a  free e-copy: