September 17 2021: Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has launched India's first rural B2B travel tech platform Travel Union, aiming to serve the travel needs of rural customers across every village in India.
The platform will take on board rural travel agents, small business owners as well as enterprises. The members will be digitally empowered to build a travel business community in rural India with zero investment. Travel Union will also not charge any recurring cost post onboarding. The platform aggregates all available price options for a particular offering and shows Travel Union members the lowest prices they can offer their customers. It also allows for online cancellations and refunds, eliminating the long wait customers usually have to endure. Members enjoy the benefit of earning high margins due to direct booking options available with multiple travel service partners. Also, it offers the lowest IRCTC agent ID purchase cost.
Travel Union claims to be the country's "first membership platform for rural travel agents to build a profitable business."
The platform has been launched in partnership with Spice Money (part of Spice Group), which is a rural fintech company. Sonu is the director of Travel Union. He tweets: Let's change the future of the travel industry with @Travelunion_TU. Join me today in building India's first rural travel agent network. Download the free app today and open the way to a successful tomorrow!"
Link to Travel Union