September 16 2019: Recently, Lenovo launched in India, three devices, one each in the Z, K, and A series respectively. The one that caught our fancy was the middle one -- the K 10 note. With its clever mix of specs and performance, the K 10 Note is the all-in-one phone that does everything you want, with optimal efficiency. Powered by the Snapdragon 710 processor, this device comes with a 4050 mAh battery and camera specs of 16 MP + 8 MP + 5 MP (back) and 16 MP (front), the K 10 Note has minimalistic design, with easy hand feel and a tiny little notch which adds to the sleekness of the device.
The OS experience is very close to stock Android, with just enough bells and whistles, along with smooth game-play options. priced at Rs. 13,999 (4 GB + 64 GB), and Rs. 15,999 (6 GB + 128 GB), the K 10 Note is your perfect middle order batsman for stability and performance. If you fancy a quad camera setup, you can pick up the Z6 Pro, with liquid cooling for better gaming, at Rs. 33,999. VISHNU ANAND