Internet in India: IT's a crawl!

18th July 2009
Internet in India:   IT's a crawl!

Akamai's quarterly  Net report  provides the numbers
Bangalore, July 18: Akamai Technologies, Inc. has the released  the first quarter 2009 edition of its  State of the Internet report.  We bring you some India-relevant numbers from the report
“We continue to see strong trends that suggest an ever-improving Internet penetration figures in India”, says Akamai. However a comparison of numbers – briefly highlighted here, -- shows India still has a long way to go to even reach average global standards of connectivity and speed.
( IndiaTechOnline take: Matters are not helped by ostrich-like government policy which shifts goalposts to make the India numbers seem less dismal: While the rest of the world ( and Akamai) considers 2 Mbps the threshold for broadband, the India government has redefined the term to include anything that is 256 Kbps or more.   We deceive only overselves)
According to the latest Akamai study, India is:
Ranked #20 globally for number of unique IP addresses seen by Akamai, with over 3 million IP’s, up 52% year over last  year.
Ranked #107 globally for average connection speed, at 898 Kbps. Globally, the average connection speed was approximately 1.7 Mbps.  South Korea ranked #1 with an average connection speed of 11 Mbps. “The average connection speed will be an interesting number to track in the coming quarters as it will give us a clear indication of the growing broadband adoption rates in the country”  says Sanjay Singh, managing director, Akamai.
Ranked #11 globally in terms of attack traffic, with 1.60% of observed attack traffic. In comparison, China was ranked #1 with 27.59% of observed attack traffic
Ranked #87 globally for broadband adoption, with 5.31% of connections to Akamai at speeds over 2 Mbps. Down 33% year over last year.
Akamai does not provide absolute numbers for Internet connections in India. However the annual Industry Performance Review just released by the Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)  which we reviewed in this space a few days ago , suggests that India now has 60 million active Internet users
From a global connection speed perspective, Japan unseated South Korea for the highest levels of “high broadband” (>5 Mbps) connectivity, though South Korea maintained the highest average connection speed, at 11 Mbps
Attack Traffic
During the first quarter of 2009, Akamai observed attack traffic originating from 68 unique countries around the world.  The United States and China were the two largest attack traffic sources, accounting for nearly 50% of observed traffic in total
The first quarter 2009 edition of Akamai’s  quarterly State of the Internet report  is available for download at