Kochi, April 2020: The Government Medical College, Ernakulam, Kerala has deployed a robotic dispenser of disinfectant. The robot -- Karmi-bot, developed by the local Asimov Robotics based in the KINFRA HiTech Park Kalamassery, can carry out routine jobs like disinfection and delivery of meals and medicine to patients in the Covid ward, reports Times of India in its Kochi edition, today.
The robot, was donated by the ViswaSanthi Foundation of Malayalam cinemactor Mohanlal. It currently features a UV disinfection cabinet to sanitize masks, and a nozzle that can be used to disinfect surfaces.
Asimov Robotics started work on customized Karrmi-bot on March 25 and came up with a prototype in 15 days, Founder-CEO Jayakrishnan T uis quoted as saying, “For the 10 beds in the ward, sequencing can be done in any order by the user. It can move to each patient and inquire if they have any needs through a video call. If the patient is not responding it would move to the next bed,” Jayakrishnan said. Carrying a payload up to 25kg, the robot is capable of achieving a maximum speed of 1m/sec. “It can even chat up the patients to keep them entertained using pre-defined setting in multiple languages,” adds Jayakrishnan is undertaken manually.