January 9 2012: Kobian has launched its latest mobile phone for India -- the Mercury BIZ2 – which offers dual SIMS and a full QWSERTY keyaboard. It comes with a 2.3 inch QVGA TFT screen, a camera resolution of 640X480 pixel which helps in getting a large readable text & pictures on the phone. One can browse, update contacts and connect with friends & colleagues on Facebook, MSN and Skype. The Bluetooth device helps to share data, photographs and music with their loved ones. The torch light helps you to make your way in the darkness. GPRS, infra red, Wi-Fi and FM radio options are also inbuilt to complete the mobile package.
Mercury BIZ2 has a 250k internal storage memory which can be expanded up to 4 GB memory. It is also provided with a micro SD card slot taking care of all the storage needs. It costs Rs 1599 and is available in two colors Red and black, with a 1 year warranty.
Link to product site: http://www.mercurystyle.com/?p=505