Free Dummies e-book on Web load testing from Compuware

26th October 2011
Free Dummies  e-book on  Web load testing from Compuware

BANGALORE, October 26, 2011-- Technology performance company,Compuware Corporation has helped create a “Dummies” eBook on load testing: “Web Load Testing for Dummies.” In this eBook, Scott Barber, Founder and Chief Technologist at PerfTestPlus and Colin Mason, Compuware’s Web Load Testing Product Manager, explore the importance of web load testing and its impact on business.Web applications that perform well can strengthen a company’s brand and reputation, as well as create customer loyalty. Web applications that perform poorly put all of that at risk. Web load testing is a critical component to any risk management plan for web applications.
This eBook explains:How web load testing helps enable better website performance;when to load test; and why web performance directly impacts business.
The e-book may be downloaded here ( after registration):