Digital technology leader, Samsung India has erased the divide between PC and TV with its new LED and Plasma Smart TV Lineup in India. Ranging in size from 40 inch to 60 inch, the new platforms allow users to seamlessly switch to TV content viewing, movie watching and web surfing, even sharing the screen to surf and monitor TV content simultaneously.
To facilitate this convergence, Samsung Smart has created a Smart Hub— an easy-on-the-eye gateway to favorite music, games, movies, TV shows, pictures, and content online or on a network connected storage device customers may already have. Key features of Smart Hub include: Your Video—which delivers recommendations based on a user’s viewing history; Search All—which makes it easier to search for desired content on your TV and other DLNA- that is Digital Living Network Alliance --certified connected media storage devices, networked PC and mobile devices, and Internet and video-on-demand services; Web Browser, which offers full web browsing right from your TV; Social TV—which makes it easier to chat with friends and family in real-time while watching the same TV content; and Samsung Apps—the world’s first HDTV-based application store offering about 400 paid and free apps globally that help people connect to their various passions—whether in sports, entertainment, information, games or social networking, thanks to integration with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Talk.
Samsung has launched a range of 12 Smart television models in the screen sizes between 40” to 60” across Series D5500, D6000, D7000 and D8000 priced between Rs. 68,900 to Rs. 400,000. The D8000 Plasma is available in 64” screen size priced at Rs. 230,000. All models are full HD and 3-D capable
In India Samsung has tied up with major content developers like Times Music, NDTV Convergence and Money Control to enhance the Smart Hub. See how the Samsung Smart TV works in our Tech Video slot for a few days.
June 11 2011