Your hands betray your mood!

22nd January 2017
Your hands  betray your mood!

Bangalore,Janauary 23 2017: Not just what you type -- but how you type -- a message  on your smartphone, can   be accurate pointers to your mood and state of mind.  A trio of Masters  students at  Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute of Cornell University in the US have created an app called  Keymochi. It  monitors a subject's typing speed, punctuation changes, the amount of phone movement, distance between keys etc,   to detect emotions. As a user is typing out a text message or email via smartphone, each movement  is a reflection of the  emotional profile of the user. Once the user is finished typing the message, the data is automatically encrypted and uploaded anonymously to the Keymochi database, where the team uses it to build a  user-specific  model to understand his or her  sentiment or emotions.
This could be useful in situations like   contact  centre interaction  where responses can be fine tuned to the   customer's mood. Does he seem angry, dissatisfied, happy?  It  will ensure that a writer's intentions are correctly judged.   Users also have the option in the app,  to select one of 16 pictures to indicate their   current mood.
The researchers are fine tuning their work and hope to  place the app in the Apple Store very soon. Watch this space. And watch your keystrokes!
Link to original report